I Love You

Do I go?

Do I tell?

Do I confess?

Do I kiss?

Do I scream?

Do I yell?

Do I love?

Do I stay?

Do I go?

Do I let go?

Do I keep on loving?

Do I Move Good and On and Eventually Up?

Do I fly?

Do I walk?

Do I help?

Do I abandon?

How do I leave and abandon?

How Do I Go?

Loving I know How to Do…

Letting Go I never knew how  to Ever Do.

It’s Gonna Be Okay

It’s Gonna Be Okay.

It’s Gonna Be Alright.

It’s Gonna Be Just Fine.

Because at the end of the day, I have you and I say Yay!

Even if I’m a little unwell, a little down.

I can be a little depressed, maybe even taking a little too much crap.

But baby you know what?

It’s Gonna Be Okay.

It’s Gonna Be Alright.

It’s Gonna Be Just Fine.

Because at the end of the day I have you and I say Yay!

People say Life tends to get just a little too much to bare.

Well I say stop treating Life so damn unfair, cause people are people.

Some are Angels and some are Saints.

You mingel with Angels, What you Give is What you Take…

You mingel with Saints, It don’t matter much if you’re throwing roses, cause all you’re getting is the stink anyway.

Life’s about People so take care who you entertain.

But baby you know what?

It’s Gonna By Okay.

It’s Gonna Be Alright.

It’s Gonna be Just Fine.

Because at the end of the day, I have YOU and I say Yay!

I Still Do

I’ve been told that I need to be fair to me, I told myself that, I need to be fair to me.

I need to move on so that eventually I can let go and move up.

But you broke my heart, I love you and you’re not coming and that I know for sure.

It doesn’t mean I don’t deserve someone beautiful, it just means that you ain’t mine.

But now that I am here and have been for a while, where do broken hearts go?

I am a drama queen I know, a fool for romance, but thing is when I love I love and I keep looking in your eyes in my dreams and I know that you care for me.

I know you do, but you’re not coming.

So here I am knowing, understanding, yet not willing or even attempting.

I mean what now ?


Let Go…


Even if forget YOU???!!! How?

Let Go, you have to have something or someone for starters in order to start sorting out how you will let it go. I never had you. You were never mine. I don’t have a clue how to let you go, when you were never mine…

Stop what exactly??? Dreaming of your eyes, lips, and sweet complexion. Fantasizing over every word you ever said to me. Asking the what ifs..

What if you met me first? 

What if I was the kind of person whom concious can allow to take a lover away from his love? (That’s saying I even knew how to do so, silly me!)

What if you were supposed to be the one? (If there is such a thing)

What if I am supposed to wait?

What if I am not supposed to move on and away?

What if this is a battle, my battle, the battle? (That I am supposed to take on and bleed in)

What if I never cry for and because of someone again? (Though I am sure I will)

What if you needed me, like really needed me?

What if…

I can’t keep doing this to myself.

You can’t keep doing this to yourself they say.

I am hopeless, helpless, and in love.

I deserve a lot more than what I am getting.

I deserve to want someone and have him.

I deserve you, if I love you this much and this true then I deserve you.

I want you…

As it gets difficult to breathe, I sigh and ask the wind a favour, “Will you send him a kiss for me?”

“On  the forehead, a reassuring kiss that I still love him, will you do that for me, please?”

The wind doesn’t reply yet I can hear it whisper, “He loves her, many others love you.”

“Love whom Love You.”

“That is and will be serving yourself finally justice.”

A sound from deep inside me simply says, “No.”

Then it all goes dark but I still love you though. 

Light or Dark I still do.

I won’t forget you, ever.

I don’t forget. You know what? You will never forget me either.

I am unforgettable.

I will always remember you baby.

When I play care bears for my kids on DVD.

When I see any young boy a little lost and a little out of place.

When I see a genuine smile…

I will remember you, A LOT.

I have loved you for so long and such a great love that I baffle myself sometimes.

I amaze myself by how much I Love You.

If I know that I will remember you years from now then it’s really okay to feel this awful now.

Yup I feel Awful, Ill, and Weak…

I have all these people around me yet I feel so fragile and weak.

Cause the only person I want around me, the only person I want to take in, to breathe, is YOU. 

But that’s okay cause I am pretty damn sure that you will never ever forget me.










Marx Under Spot Light

Many have written before me about Marx,many have attempted, analyzed, thought it through, and inside out. I am going to try to have a go at this from my simple point of view, I’ll try to wrap it up as good as I can. So for starters I want to apologize if I may not be academic or professional enough but I am going to just lay it out as best as I know how.

Marx was influenced as quoted in the question by three very important schools, I shall address each separately then attempt to wrap it up in the end.

First is German Philosophy and particularly Hegel yes but not him alone Ludwig Feuerbach contributed greatly to the launch of Marx’s philosophy as well. I am going to start from the end. Marx simply wanted to say that capitalism came from feudalism, and that eventually socialism will result from capitalism as it moves along. It all started with Immanuel Kant (Kantian Philosophy) that was developed mostly by Hegel. Many claim that Marx was not really influenced by a Philosophy but more of a Dialectical. Hegel was an idealist, he was a rational person. He believed in evolution with a little revolution to give it a push from time to time. He just wrapped all up under a religion (christian umbrella). Thing is Marx wanted a larger umbrella a broader view so he took the logic without the rationality and strictness of it. Simply he gave Hegel’s Philosophy a more materialistic (social) approach that was showed in “A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy” 1859. After Hegel passed over his followers the Young Hegelians split into two sides right-wing (conservative branch, mostly orthodox), and left-wing who most of them in addition to taking an atheistic position, were revolutionaries these include; Ludwig Feuerbach, Bruno Bauer, Friedrich Engels, and Marx. Engels and Marx stuck together to the bitter end. At first the left-wing group followed Bauer then after disagreeing with him they followed Feuerbach. The essence of Feuerbach was “people” human needs, society, politics, it all pushed into a more materialistic and real interpretation of society of HUMANS. Marx followed Feuerbach who followed Hegel who distinguished profoundly between appearances and reality. Feuerbach preached for humanism and claimed that ideology simply prevented people from seeing their lives reality clearer. Marx had one thing against that he believed that view of Humanism is simply as abstract as what it is set out to over throw. In “The German Ideology” 1846, Marx rebelled on the notion of God and the Christian state and replaced it with the “Real Life Process” of real human beings, all he was interested on focusing were LIVE Human Beings. Now here is where the complicated rather simple in reality part comes, see scientists evolve just like everyone else but cause they’re scientists people tend to make it sound more sophisticated so this where the supposed “young” Marx changed to the supposed again “mature” Marx. See the young Marx was more interested in Humanism in people in general he based his theory on alienation but the mature Marx entered the world of class, social movements, and evolved slowly through his works to reaching in the end the scientific theory of society, which mixed science with non-science. “The Communist Manifesto” led to the Revolution of 1848, with the whole idea of “Proletarians of all countries, unite!”. But his theory and work are best seen emerging if you take a closer look at the “Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts” 1844 and observe how his theory of alienation was modified into commodity fetishism in the first chapter of the first book of “Das Kapital” 1867.

I know the first part dragged on a bit I apologize but it’s really the base of everything else. It is clearly observed that I try to simplify Marx as much as possible though I don’t think he really is as complicated as people like to make him seem. Marx spent his life in exile, couldn’t find publishers for his books as he was considered an extremist, that was his life. So what affected him most next depended on where he was staying which would be French Politics and English Economy. Let’s start with the latter, English Economy. Capitalism is what pretty much Marx set out to destroy, Capitalism = Adam Smith + David Ricardo who = Labour. Marx main critique was simply two things Capitalism only benefits capitalists, this “capitalism” can not and will not apply to all societies since it does not take into consideration the human factor at all. His solution was as far away from a pill as can be, Marx suggested in “Capital: A Critique of Political Economy” that in simpler terms surplus value was crap and did a thorough investigation into the forms value relations take. It may be not possible to find exact measures of Marx’s variables but a basic model can be achieved. In the end, English Economy not really inspired Marx but more of pissed him off enough to spend a good chunk of his life trying to prove that it is both crappy and just plain wrong.

Now let’s move on to French Politics, Louis Blanc “profit” abilities and needs. Jean-Jacques Rousseau private property is the enemy, state-owned is God’s way on Earth. Charles Fourier and Henri de Saint-Simon Utopia exists, doesn’t matter if it never came true, people believed it could Marx believed it could and the idea lived on. Last but not least, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon social economic reform is the priority and political reform can not take place if “the people” can not find anything to eat.

That is pretty much Marx in a nut shell I mean I only had 750 words and I thought it would be acceptable to pull them to close to a thousand. Simply he tried to correct everything he ever saw and thought wrong and no one can blame him for that. Let’s end with this shall we, on Feuerbach he said, “Philosophers have only interpreted the world – the point is to change it.” But that’s why he has followers who not only walk in his footsteps but fill the holes that are present in his arguments. Progress of a theory is built on descendents believing enough to build on what they have and make something better and then others come and attempt to make it even better. The key is continuity.