Solidarity with the hunger strikers in Egypt


Egypt Solidarity

alaa_hungerstrikeA growing number of political prisoners in Egypt have started hunger strikes in protest at lengthy jail terms, long periods of pre-trial detention, and ill-treatment in prison.

Download powerpoint presentations with a full list of hunger strikers both inside and outside prison (correct on 6 September 2014) [inside prison] and [outside prison]

Ahmed Maher

One of the founders of the 6th April Youth Movement which was born out of the mobilisation for a general strike in solidarity with workers in Mahalla in 2008. He was charged with breaking the repressive anti-protest laws in December 2013 and sentenced to three years in jail.

Began hunger strike 20 August 2014.

Ahmed Douma

A well-known activist who was imprisoned by Mubarak before the revolution, and jailed under every government since 2011. He was most recently charged with breaking the anti-protest laws in December 2013 and sentenced to 3…

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نحتاج دوما بعض…

نحتاج دوما بعض من الوقت لاستعاده كيفيه التعامل مع نفس الموقف الذي مررنا به من قبل بسلام…. كمواجهة ظالم أو الاعتراف بالحقيقه أو رؤية من تحب مع غيرك. يقولون مع اكتساب الخبرة نحسن التعامل مع هذه الاحداث و لكني ارجع طفله في كل مرة يتكرر بها موقف مماثل…



Someone helping me out of mourning will have to catch a couple of thousand fireflies and put them in a lantern to light up my life…
But then again God made love songs, chocolate, warm embraces, herbs, kind sentiments, and sex. 
Thing is this time, especially this time.. Something undoubtedly important has been lost.. Something I’ve been trying to sustain alive for sometime… 
When your heart keeps telling ya, that true joy is a long shot from now on…
You always knew anyone anytime could be lost once and for all, and you don’t know why exactly, this time.. What made you so damn.. Scared! 
So damn afraid, for future losses, for anyone new you say hello to, for anyone you take into your arms…
They leave but they don’t really leave.. They’re everywhere… We’re tripping over them over and over again…
Little reminders that they were here and that one day will be again…
And you start making new memories and habits around them and it doesn’t mean you miss them any less, it just means you manage with time to love them more, so much more…

ارحموني أنا صاحبة عية!

“ده ناصري، انتم أصلكم لسه صغيرين، ايش دخله في الجيش و العسكر يا بنتي؟!”

أصل ناصر كان بقال يا Uncle!#حمدين_صباحي شخصية ثورية من الطراز الاول و حالياً هو صوت شباب الثورة.”
و نفس الاخ يجيب داغي خالص بقى و يكمل،
“بعدين أنا مستغرب حقيقي من الناس الى متغاظة من حب الناس لل-#سيسي و احترامهم ليه! الله مش معنى كدة اننا مع العسكر يا اخوانا، حب السيسي دة شئ الواحد مش له يد فيه.”

#الاشتراكين دول مش مؤمنين بربنا! حد يرافق و يصدق ناس ماتعرفش ربنا؟!”
كانتش بركت عليك يوم ما ولدتك يا أخي!

“تكون فاكر منك ليه إن #التحرير دة حكر لأبوك منك له!”
خدوه بلوه و أشربه ميته، بس حله عننا و النبي!

“أصلاً معظم الى ماته يوم ٢٨ اخوان و هما الى امنه الميدان! و لولاهم كان زمان الثورة ما تمت.”
كانت أصلها تمت بروح أمك!

“”ثورة”٣٠ يونيو هي تصحيح مسار ثورة ٢٥ يناير.”

“أصل انتي مش فاهمة! الاخوان أصلاً هما الى موته كل الخرفان بتوعهم في رابعة و النهضة و الحرس الجمهوري و كرداسة و كل مسيرة و مظاهرة و اعتصام من ساعتها! دولة حرقه عيالهم و بيسلطه العيال الى مش فاهمة و مش مدية خوانة، الصغيرين يا بنتي الغلابة انهم يجره شكل الشرطة الباسلة بتاعتنا عشان يتقبض عليهم و يصعبه على الرأي العام! بس هيهات احنا يخيل علينا الكلام الفاضي ده؟! فشر!”
ده بقى ليها مؤثرات صوتية في سر الواحد!
“أصل انتي مش فاهمة مدير مكتب وزير الداخلية الفني الى مات ده كان صاحب صبحي صالح و كان متعاطف مع الاخوان و عشان كده هما قتلوه! بس ده كلام بيني و بينك يعني!”

“مرسي ده أصله ربنا بيحبه! ربك إذا أحب عبد ابتلاه!”

“احنا كطبقة مثقفة و كاكاديمين هنترفه عن المعجنة ده! احنا دورنا مش دلوقتي. احنا دورنا قدام. قدام!”
ارقصي يا كاتعة على السلالم لا الى فوق هيسمعوكي و لا الى تحت هيشوفوكي!

“انتم أصلكم نظرتكم سطحية و قاصرة! لولانا احنا الجناح الديمقراطي في النظام الحالي كان زمان تمت في الأحوال أشياء غير الاشياء!”
*مروة تسمع الكوبليه ده من هنا و سقف نافوخها يطير*
*هيلا هوب*

*شهداء #الجيش، شهداء #الشرطة! ارحمونا وديته البلد ورا الشمس!”
“هو في حد نزف من أجل مصر في تاريخ مصر قد #الاخوان؟ جهلة أغبية!”

و بعد ما نوعاً ما فشيت غلي شوية، أنا هروح اتفرج على Charlie’s Angels. 


Yes.. Some peo…

Yes.. Some people are no good for each other… But some times they are also no good for anyone else..
In times like these it’s no longer about forever or even now, no longer about who will fix who, no longer about who loves who more…
It’s just about acceptance.
It always comes down to acceptance.
You accept the person you love not for who they are, but rather despite what they truly are…

He turned arou…

He turned around and shrieked at her, after she had been talking non stop for the past two hours!
“The whole idea of love my dear delusional friend, is to end up with someone whom you still tremble when they touch when you’re 80 full of crinkles and wrinkles… A person that even if you no longer can hear them, or see them, or even kiss them, you somehow know they’re here and around, by their touch. Now as for you what have you made of yourself so you’d be ready to meet such an astounding love? What have you made of your very own, special, and unique self?”

And he knew th…

And he knew that she was a gypsy soul from the first time he laid his beautiful chestnut eyes on her… To him she might be a life but to her he was no more than a mere stop… Doesn’t mean she’s bad, doesn’t mean she’s right… That’s just the way things are.. Just the way she is… He never considered though to leave a number or an address, he never left the porch lights on, for the day she needs to find her way home again… But then if he didn’t do as little as that, then he was probably never her home to start with…

He looked at h…

He looked at her and said, “I wanna go down every road you went down.”
She giggled, “Love, you wouldn’t come out the same… Not even close… And I think I’ve grown a certain fondness to the way you happen to be…”
He growled on the inside and let out a sigh on the outside, “I’m just a project ain’t I? Just another human to add to your human shelter! I’m no more than a new obsession, a current one, God knows what will happen tomorrow…”
She grew real quiet then when he was about to give in to the idea that she was just gonna shrug off what he said, she spoke out suddenly, “I don’t know… And yes God knows what will happen tomorrow, but you ain’t getting anything you didn’t sign up on. Not a single damn thing.”
He knew the conversation was dead and done, “Waiter can the gal have the check please? She’s paying.”