Kareem James Abu-Zeid on Why *You* Should Apply for a Banff Residency


Yes, he means you. Well, at least if you’re a translator in the Americas or translating an American work. Apologies to non-Americas-based translators of Arabic literature:

Translator Kareem James Abu-Zeid, who was runner-up for the Banipal prize for his translation of Cities Without Palmsspent three weeks last year at the Banff International Literary Translation Centre. There, he worked on a translation of Rabee Jaber’s The Mehlis Report.  According to Abu-Zeid, the experience “was incredible. In addition to vastly improving both my translating skills and the novel I was working on at the time (and leading to a new book contract), it was also pretty amazing to spend 3 weeks in the incredible beauty and nature of Banff with a really wonderful group of translators and writers.”

“The book is a much better read because fo that residency,” Abu-Zeid added.

The application deadline for next year’s residency…

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. #آه_ياني

معظم مشاكلنا مع أهالينا اننا بنحط نفسنا أماكنهم! بالعربي بنتخانق خناقتهم ! يعني انتا بتتخانق لأمك مع أبوك من خلال خناقاتكم انتم على المصروف! و انتي بتتخانقي مع أمك عشان خاطر ابوكي في وسط ما انتم بتتخانقه على شغل البيت و الشرابات! بس الفكرة بقى إن هما بينامه على سرير واحد آخر النهار و بيبوسه بعض بوسة على الخد تمسح بلاوي نهار… لكن احنا بنفضل نندب و نبكي على الأطلال و نتعذب نفسياً سنين… مواويل أمي و أبويا ما تلزمني بنكلة! علاقتي بأمي ما تخص غيري أنا و أمي و ما تخص أبويا خالص بقى! و علاقتي بأبويا، أمي ملهاش دعوة بيها… حدده علاقتكم و حطه حدود و قطعه بعض على المصروف و الشرابات و الهايفة قبل الكبيرة بس اتخانقه خناقتكم انتم بس… عيشه زمانكم و اده لغيركم فرصة يعيشه زمانهم برده…  ده العمر واحد! واحد بس.

.. #آه_ياني و الى يتكتب في كام سطر ياخد سنين لحد ما يتفهم و يتحس!

دموع الأشياء


في نهايات الأسبوع

حين يُصبح الوقت بيننا مقصلة
كيف لي أن أقاوم
ذلك الانجذاب القاتل
لصباحاتك المؤجّلة***
عندما الشوق إليك يُعيد تقويم
يمدّده ما شاء الولع
كلّ ذلك الوجع
و تلك الساعة التي أنت عقاربها
تبحث عن بوصلتي في صوتك
و لا أحد يردّ
غير الصهيل المكبوح
لأريكة تنتظر
و فنجان قهوة برد

أين تكون يوم الأحد
حين تبكي تلك الأريكة التي
تركت عليها خصلات فرحتي ؟

 أحلام مستغانمي 


So, I bid you farewell inside my head
For the hundredth millionth time over again…

Yusra Badr

As I bid you farewell inside my head,
I inhale your scent as it lingers on my skin…
I will miss every inch of you larger-than-life soul
And will scream as I am shredded to pieces from within…

As you fall asleep beside me here,
Our souls intertwined in complexity and surrender,
I silently fight a raging war inside
Between my demons and my sanity’s defender…

If I am ever to see a day in heaven,
I cannot fathom a better feeling than I get when
I surrender to the power you hold on my very soul;
I surrender to what I want and not to what is meant…

So, I bid you farewell inside my head
For the hundredth millionth time over again,
Praying for restitution from the God to Whom I have sinned
And praying – perhaps hopelessly – to never see you again…


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Saudi’s Top-selling Sci Fi Novel Yanked from Stores

Support this beauty and order it from #Amazon don’t let them beat us!


It is not unusual to receive notes about books banned in Saudi Arabia. But the science fiction novel HWJN was one of the country’s top-sellers since its release late April. Ibraheem Abbas and Yasser Bahjatt’s novel — trans. Bahjatt — has also gotten tremendous word-of-mouth buzz on Twitter. Now, the book has been charged with blasphemy and devil-worshiping and is no longer being sold at major stores in the KSA:

17880881No one wants to answer questions officially, although it was apparently last Tuesday — such is the date on the letter — that Saudi’s Hayaa (the committee for the Prevention of Vice and Promotion of Virtue) delivered a handwritten letter to bookstores, informing them that they had to stop selling copies of HWJN.

The authors have not received any official communication; Jarir bookstores called to inform them of the situation.

The Hayaa letter has…

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